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               Mary Jane
      $2.50/min |  Dial-in ID: 16
Psychic Mary Jane

"Discover the true essence of love with Psychic Advisor Mary Jane, as she unveils the hidden desires and intentions of your heart!"

Lets Start with 75% OFF


ABOUT:  Love and relationship that can tell you ANYTHING you want to know about your love life. PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE! Some of your questions may entail, Is he cheating? When will I get married?  Is love in my future? I inherited my skills as a child. I m a 3rd generation master psychic. My gifts allow me the ability to quickly pick up information about your past, present, and future. I can tell you anything you need to know about your love life, the good and the bad, as well as the lies ahead. I deliver my readings with compassion in a positive quiet environment.

SKILLS: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Tarot , Spirit Guides Dream Interpretation Astrology, Relationships,

 Finances, Trust Issues and Family


STAR SIGN: Sagittarius



I inherited my skills as a child. Ia m a 3rd generation master psychic. My gifts allow me the ability to quickly pick up information of your past, present and future. I can tell you anything you need to know.




TOOLS: My specialty is working with lover's tarot cards, Intuition and clairvoyance 


Love specialist, life coach, & spiritual healer . I have devoted my life for the last 35 years to helping and guiding others . I am highly gifted and accurate.

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